Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sin in The Second City Blog: The Everleigh Sisters

The Everleigh Sisters grew up with seven siblings, but there mother and sister passed away when the sisters were very young. The sisters underwent several of changes they even lied about their names and hid their true identities. Married to abusive husbands’ who abused both of the Eveleigh Sisters they decided to “run away” from them, and start a new life. The Everleigh Sisters journey began In Omaha, Nebraska and when they were very young they lived rough lives. Several of people told the girls that the prostitution business on the “rise” was in Chicago.

There were several of young girls lured in to do prostitution when they believed they were going to start a new job from an ad in the newspaper, but later to find out were drugged and abducted. Though prostitution was illegal some people used it as there business taking advantage of young teenage girls. Madams took away their clothing and charged a price for a uniform for the brothel. Slavery was a big issue in the early 1900s, and women were being abused by men. “There is a slave trade in this country, and it is not black folks this time, but little white girls thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, and seventeen years of age.”[1]
The newspaper they used for false ads.

The Everleigh Sisters wanted there club to be the most successful and to live the life of wealth. The sisters wanted the best for their business, and wanted to be known for their high class. They wanted the life of luxury, and by investing money into their club they would receive a profit from everyone who spends at their club. “To keep the piano shining, the mirrored walls intact, the rugs clean, and the perfume jets shooting, the sisters allotted $18,000 per year in renovations.”[2]

One of the rooms of the Everleigh club.

Big Jim is an individual with much power he occasionally visited the Everleigh Sisters club to offer them protection, and other assistance if needed. The stories he told fascinated the sisters and were amazed by everything he went through. “When he had money, and he was sure he would, his fingers would instead be covered in diamonds. Minna could relate.”[3] With all the power he had he needed to defend his reputation at all times. Their relationship with Big Jim grew big and they knew what to discuss during privacy. “Minna and Ada agreed: Some things were better left unconsidered.”[4] There were some who didn’t like the Everleigh Sisters, but they didn’t seem to care as long as they were making money they were happy."The Everleigh’s didn’t need anyone to confirm their vaulted status, but they appreciated the gesture of nonetheless.”[5]

The Everleigh Sisters were very intelligent and very business minded that they did what they wanted to get. Though in the beginning they went through some hard times they seemed to know what they were doing. They did whatever it took to have the most famous club in history, and they did it to be recognized by everyone. They dined with the finest foods and had drinks that were fit for a queen.
The Everleigh Sisters

1. Karen Abbott, Sin in The Second City: Madams, Ministers, Playboys and the Battle for America’s Soul (New York: Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2007), 49. 

2. Abbott, Sin in The Second City, 71.

3. Abbott, Sin in The Second City, 56. 

4. Abbott, Sin in The Second City, 57. 

5. Abbott, Sin in The Second City, 60.



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